Businesses that prioritise customer satisfaction and actively work towards enhancing and managing their brand perception are more likely to cultivate trust.
Category: Uncategorized
Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice brings new beginnings and encourages growth. Let us help you nurture your seedlings and help them grow.
5 Reasons to Love Your Job
Whatever you do in career and life. Love it…
How Christmas Ready is your Holiday Marketing Plan
Christmas Marketing Tips to Maximise Sales During this vital Holiday Period 1. Review last year’s Christmas Campaign performance Reviewing last year’s Christmas Campaign performance will help inform you for this year’s Christmas Strategy. What were the noticeable difference in peaks in conversions and when did they occur? From your email marketing campaigns what emails resulted in…
Join the Course: Getting Your Business Online
Join the Course: Getting your Business Online If you are a retailer and haven’t yet made the move to get your business and products online then we can help you do just that. Having an online store provides current customers with an easy way to continue to make purchases and will enable you to reach a…
Near Me a Strong Signal of Intent
Near Me adds more relevance to the search term. If people are searching for something near them, it’s a very strong signal of intent. “Near me” is no longer just about finding a specific place. It’s about finding a specific thing, in a specific area, and in a specific period of time. People want it…
Striking the balance between micromanaging and checking in with employees
Striking the balance between micromanaging and checking in with employees Engage with your employees if you want them engaged – Shane Metcalf Trust and human connection is a major player in engaging employees and has become more important when many of us are working from home during these Covid times. Bringing a more human connection to your…
Project: Tallaght Fest
Festival re-branding, website redesign and App design to help plan and keep track of favoured events during the festival Aim Provide Tallaght Fest with a brand it deserves, a brand which displays credible communities, an emblem to be proud of that will reach out to all age groups and communities. Usage The site will be responsive making it…
All Swipe and No Value
As I was listening to Tristan Harris on Irish radio, this got me thinking. As designers are we giving value to our users by providing them with useful customer journey’s, and how are we measuring success. In @tristanharris video he directs us to the question “Is your phone a slot-machine? Playing the slot machine to see what you’re going to…